This Saturday I was feeling an itch for something adventerous and creative to happen in my kitchen.. it can be scary when this happens.
I decided to leave the flour alone, and play with soup instead.
I had to firstly bundle up and head out to the store to get the ingredients. Which when its -25C, and a windchill of minus a trillion, it's kinda serious!
So - I don't know what exactly this soup would be called...
Like a combination of Komst Borscht, Ministrone and ... yeah.
So, I stared with a little Onion and garlic - saute that!
And then just... add!
It was fun. I tossed in some cabbage, carrots, cellery, frozen tomatoes (from my summer garden), lentils (green & orange), kidney beans, parsley (from my summer garden), bay leaves, beef broth, water, and... whallla.. One short hour later, the house smelled like my Grandma's when I was a kid!
Johni even investigated the soup pot when he came in. And this is the man that is "allergic" to onions, and most veggies.
We both enjoyed it. And it was fun too!
So - try it - invent something, and let your creative side loose!
Let me know if - what you tried!