Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Frivolous Finds.....

Let's just get the record straight.
I am not a shopper.
I do not shop for recreation. 
I do not regularly hunt the malls for deals.
Consequently, I have a few favorite things I like to wear and leave it at that.

BUT every so often :).....

Well, let's just say .... I got out, by myself, for the WHOLE AFTERNOON, and I picked up some great finds.
And, since I was "in the mood" :)....
I snagged a sassy pear of high heels - Jon laughed since I never wear high heels!!! 
They are cute, something a little out of the ordinary for me...
... and a little reminder that we never stop discovering little pieces of our personality!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Grace Notes

I confess.
Every so often...
Even as a very blessed stay-at-home mom...
I long for a touch of encouragement.
A "Well done." A "Way to go tiger." - okay. Drop the "tiger" part :)
A "Wow. You do a super job."

Every so often...
God has recognized this deep longing in me and has sent incredible moments my way that lift my heart and encourage me. They fuel my "umphf" when I am down and set me on my feet again.

Well, just the other day, one of these blessed "grace notes" made its appearance.

It was a particularly difficult day. Struggling after numerous doctor visits, severe sleep deprivation, a post-natally adjusting body (and hormone system!!), and the "what if/what next" syndrome... a tear slid down my cheek and I asked God - please please PUHLEASE could you send a bit of encouragement.

Somehow, I just couldn't see the Light.

Not an hour or so later, my Mikayla comes up to me saying, "garbage." As is standard with all her attempts to throw things ever-so-helpfully into the garbage, I ask to SEE it before she TOSSES it. And there, in her pudgy little hand, is my purple ribbon.

This purple ribbon has a story, you see. It was given to me by a woman who deeply desires to pursue God. It was given to me at a time when I was seeking more of Him and less of ME. 
A time when I was pondering....
"walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace." 
Matt. 11.29, the Message. 

It was .... significant. 
Purple - the royal color of God. 
A simple reminder of the One who is worthy of all my praise.

And I LOST it.

And it remained hidden from my searching until just the right time. Until this specific moment when I would need a word of encouragement. And there, in my daughter's hand, God was showing me His presence once again...

And the corresponding bible verse that had been given with the ribbon...

"Behold I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands..." Isaiah 49.16a.

What an incredible comfort. What an incredible peace.
Thank you Jesus.

Monday, October 22, 2007


I am thankful for many people, many experiences, many things.
But today...
I want to thank...
She is a super great gal who has taught
 me much about the art of hospitality and the gift of
 sharing and generosity.

Thank you, Mom...
.... for bringing pizza and tea when I was sad
.... for listening to the same rants over and over and over :)
.... for taking care of my girls while I nap
.... for the special little gifts that you bring
.... for your encouragement, prayers and perspective
.... for reminding me that there's "no place like home" - whether that be yours or mine :)
.... for laughing with me
.... for arriving so promptly after Kezia's dramatic delivery and sharing that incredible moment with us!!
.... for your enthusiasm
.... for being yourself
.... for being my mom.
I love you.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Ordinary Miracle Kinda Day

Most days - especially days like today - I LOVE what I do.
I get to stay at home, raise my girls.
I have the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to invest my time and energy into these two little people ... 
to encourage... 
to train... 
to teach... 
to love... 
and to do all that I can to draw their precious hearts to God.

There was nothing particularly special about today.
In fact, that is what makes it so perfect.
It was simply a normal, mundane, work-and-play kinda day.
There was warmth and laughter; food to share and clothes to wear.
Giggles, complaints, cries, soothers, diapers, and more diapers :)...
It was positively perfect.
Thank you Jesus.