Did you know that puppies have their own unique language!?
They DO!
It has taken us almost TWO YEARS to discover this.
What a source of frustration!! What a relief!!
Diggy arrived the week before we found out we were expecting Mikayla.
Not great timing, poor dog.
Since then, Diggy & I have had a love-love-grrrrrrrrrr kind of relationship.
Oh sure, he's cute and cuddly and very, very sweet...
He's been a great companion, a partner in crime and a good listener....
Yes, he's also been a "grace-grower" in my life.
Now that we've learned how to communicate, however, our relationship has opened up to a whole different level!
Now I can not only appreciate the Diggy that curls up with me for nap time or the Diggy that quietly sits at my feet at supper,
BUT I can love him in those hard-to-love moments.
Kinda reminds me of communication with God and others too!
When we learn to speak with each other in a way that is MUTUALLY UNDERSTANDABLE!!
How much EASIER it is to cooperate in those hard-to-love moments.
Ahhhh Diago, my dear little puppy.
You have been such a source of joy - and @(*#*(&@$ - in my life!!
I couldn't trade you for the world!!
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