Yahoo!! The snow is allllmost gone and spring is here! With this comes a few undesirable chores - like scraping rocks off the lawn - but many, many wonderful possibilities! I am thrilled because many of the tulips I transplanted last fall are coming up. This is exciting because - not being much of a detailed type of gal - I'm never sure if I've read the instructions right (if I've read them at all!!), if I've planted things properly and if they will thrive in my care.
However, this hardy sign of early spring is sprouting all over my garden, and I am pleased!!
It also feels like spring inside. Winter items have been put away and I've dusted off the wind chimes and started the yearly freshening process :). It feels good to be here.
There are so many things to look forward to:
- watching Mikayla toddle around in her rubber boots
- having the first fireside of the season (complete with hot dogs and marshmallows!!)
- after dinner walks with my family
- garden.... experiments :)
- getting ready (with great anticipation!!) for the arrival of our second baby
- enjoying a different pace of life with family and friends
How do you celebrate the arrival of spring? Do you engage in a cleaning frenzy :)? Do you make sure you're outdoors as much as possible? Do you simply enjoy the longer daylight hours and cozy evenings?
Thank you, Father, for spring seasons!!
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